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PE & Sports' Premium

Vision for PE:

At Greenacres Primary School, we believe each child has the right to an outstanding Physical Education programme, providing the foundations for lifelong participation in physical activity and/or sport. We aim to develop and improve pupils’ attitudes towards both participation and competition through regularly timetabled P.E. lessons and extra-curricular activities.

We believe that the context of the school and known risk factors linked to this means we must ensure our children are prepared for the next step in their learning as well as future lives.  We believe it is our role to embrace not just the academic but to provide our children with strategies to support mental strength and well-being.  Exercise which supports character growth, resilience, confidence and risk taking within safe environments is to be encouraged.  In line with this, we also promote healthy lifestyles through our P.S.H.E. curriculum and teach about balanced diets and making appropriate lifestyle choices within our science curriculum.


Aims for PE at Greenacres:

  • To ensure children lead healthy lifestyles by embracing exercise, healthy minds (meditation and well-being strategies) and balanced diets.
  • To encourage a healthy lifestyle that promotes lifelong participation in physical activity outside of the school environment by:

- Stimulating a positive attitude and interest in a wide range of physical activities

- Making children aware of the benefits of a healthy and active lifestyle

  • To contribute to the physical development of all children
  • To develop all children’s self esteem and confidence by:

- Seeing the worth in improvement, not just success

- Providing opportunities to aid social skills (team games, playing fairly, meeting children from other schools, sportsmanship etc)

  • To provide the opportunity for children to compete
  • To enable sports based leadership opportunities for children in upper Key Stage 2


Sports Premium 2024 - 2025  

Sports Premium 2023 - 2024  


Greenacres' Swimming Proficiency at the end of Year 6 2024

Whole School %

(including Speech Bubble)

Mainstream %

Able to swim competently 25 metres



Able to use a range of strokes effectively



Able to perform safe self-rescue in different water based situations

